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Disease Help & Resources

Helping you find the information and support you need.

Cancer Help & Resources

Support and resources for those living with cancer and their loved ones.

Parkinson's Disease Help & Resources

Support and resources for those living with Parkinson's disease and their loved ones.

Resources from the American Cancer Society

Allstate Benefits is a proud partner of the American Cancer Society, providing vital resources and support for cancer patients and caregivers through our dedicated Cancer Helpline. Available 24/7, 365 days a year, the American Cancer Society's National Cancer Information Center serves as the frontline for individuals seeking answers about their diagnosis, connecting to patient programs, and accessing guidance and support.

No one should face a cancer diagnosis alone. The impact of such news extends beyond the individual to their close friends and family. As a caregiver for someone with cancer, you're faced with numerous questions and uncertainties. Recognizing the crucial role caregivers play in the cancer journey, the American Cancer Society offers invaluable resources and guidance not only to caregivers but also to loved ones and survivors.

24/7 Cancer Helpline

Highly trained and compassionate cancer information specialists from the American Cancer Society provide a wide array of support services, including:

  • Providing information about cancer diagnoses
  • Offering guidance on treatment options
  • Assisting with transportation needs
  • Helping with lodging arrangements
  • Providing assistance with health insurance inquiries
  • Offering support groups and counseling services
  • Facilitating access to affordable screening options
  • Offering resources for caregivers and families
  • Providing information about participating in clinical trials

America Cancer Society logo.

Woman exiting car.

Cancer Insurance from Allstate Benefits

Cancer Insurance from Allstate Benefits offers protection for the treatment of cancer and 29 specified diseases. Coverage pays a cash benefit to help pay out-of-pocket costs associated with cancer treatments. But unlike primary health insurance, this coverage also pays for everyday living expenses like mortgage or rent, childcare, groceries and so on.

Benefits are paid regardless of any other coverage and whether customers pursue treatment or not.

To encourage preventive health, Allstate Benefits also offers a wellness benefit that covers the cost of many cancer screenings.

Learn more about Cancer Insurance

The American Cancer Society does not endorse any product or service.

Support and Resources for Parkinson's Disease

Nearly one million Americans and more than 6 million people worldwide are living with Parkinson's disease (PD) today.1 For all those affected by the disease, finding a cure is their #1 mission. Allstate Benefits is dedicated to supporting this mission and driving real change. As the Good Hands® people, we work each and every day to help protect those living with critical illnesses like PD.

1The Michael J. Fox Foundation (

Get Involved in PD Research

The Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative, a landmark study by The Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF), could change the way PD is diagnosed, managed and treated. The study is now recruiting people diagnosed with PD in the past two years and family members of people with PD. Learn more:

Helpful Links

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke:
American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA):
The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research (MJFF):
Parkinson's Foundation:
National Institute on Aging, NIH:

Man and child looking under hood.

Parkinson's 101

The MJFF offers visitors an overview of PD with Parkinson's 101, including "What Is Parkinson's Disease?", a brief video covering the basics of PD and the current state of research.

Download Parkinson's 360º, a free guide that offers a deeper dive into PD from diagnosis and symptoms to medications and treatments like Deep Brain Stimulation.

Man on laptop.

Resources for the Newly Diagnosed

The MJFF offers a comprehensive directory to navigate the first weeks and months after a PD diagnosis. Download the "Navigating Parkinson's: Your Guide to the Early Years" guide to receive real-world advice and learn more about research opportunities that are available to PD patients.

Man standing in kitchen.

Critical Illness Coverage from Allstate Benefits

Allstate Benefits was the first insurance carrier to offer PD coverage under our Critical Illness insurance, and we remain one of the only carriers to cover Advanced Parkinson's disease.

All Critical Illness customers who are diagnosed with PD receive a copy of "Always Looking Up: The Adventures of an Incurable Optimist" by Michael J. Fox, along with a personal letter from our company president. Along with the financial support from their Allstate Benefits policy, this encouragement can make a big difference as they begin their journey.

The Good Hands® team works continuously to protect and support those living with a critical illness.

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