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Safety first in the workplace

It is important to create a working environment where employees feel safe. Neglecting workplace safety can have significant consequences for both employees and the business. Addressing issues and enforcing regulations in the workplace will help reduce physical and mental safety concerns.

Smiling man driving a work van.

It pays to be safe

Ignoring or skimping on safety can cost businesses more than preparing for them before anyone is injured. In 2022, the total cost of work injuries was $167 billion, according to the National Safety Council.

This includes, $50.7 billion in wage and productivity losses, $37.6 billion in medical expenses, $54.4 billion in administrative expenses, $5.6 billion in damage to motor vehicles in work-related injuries, $3.7 billion in fire losses and $15 billion in employers' uninsured costs. In other words, ensuring safety now could save you a lot in the long run.

Injuries take a toll on attendance

Approximately 108,000,000 days were lost in 2022 because of injuries that occurred that same year, and longer term injuries from previous years.

Workers' compensation

For accidents occurring within 2020-2021, the average cost was $41,757 for all combined claims. These incidences range from motor vehicle accidents to burns, falls and getting caught in equipment. They may also result from strain or cumulative injuries.

What employers can do to mitigate accidents

Promoting a safety-first culture by enforcing safe work practices is step one. Below are some other tips to help prevent workplace injuries.

  • Understand how injuries can, and have occurred, and take steps to prevent them in the future.
  • Train employees to identify and avoid potential workplace hazards.
  • Implement safe workplace policies, programs and activities.
  • Require appropriate work attire to prevent head or foot injuries, burns, scrapes, getting caught in machinery or other hazards caused by unsuitable attire.
  • Prevent slips, trips and falls by requiring slip resistant footwear and educate employees on identifying and reducing fall risks.
  • Improve vehicle and equipment safety with proper training, requiring occupants to wear seatbelts or other restraints, prohibit the use of handheld devices by the operator, and securing equipment that is transported with these vehicles.
  • Offer access to health care coverage.

Employer-sponsored health benefits

Many existing or developing health concerns such as influenza or colds, high blood pressure, cancers, diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, musculoskeletal disorders, depression and anxiety can lead to injuries on the job

Offering a health plan can help employees stay on top of their health. Routine preventive care can help identify health concerns before they become worse. Having health coverage can encourage them to the seek care they need.

How Allstate Benefits can help

Offering health benefits gives employees the support and empowerment they need to take control of their health and wellness. Allstate Benefits offers a variety of plan options and features that make receiving high-quality care even more accessible.

Preventive care and support benefits

The Self-Funded Program through Allstate Benefits is designed to provide quality, affordable health benefits for businesses to offer their employees.

Preventive services are paid at 100% when received from in-network providers, as recommended by the Affordable Care Act. Mental/behavioral and health coverage is also available with our plans.

Musculoskeletal care

Vori Health is a nationwide specialty medical practice delivering virtual-first muscle and joint pain solutions to help members get back to their lives faster. With Vori Health, members will get treatment from a specialty physician, physical therapist, and health coach who work together to manage all aspects of care. This holistic model reduces unnecessary surgeries, lowers spend, and improves outcomes. Read more about Vori Health.

Wellness program

Plan administrators have the option to add on a wellness program through Vitality® with most plan designs. With this unique program, along with the self-funded plan, employees can get healthier, while enhancing and protecting their lives.

When plan members are healthy, they can not only improve their own lives, but they can also lower their health care expenses.

Reach out to your Allstate Benefits Group Health sales executive today.

The Self-Funded Program through Allstate Benefits provides tools for employers owning small to mid-sized businesses to establish a self-funded health benefit plan for their employees. The benefit plan is established by the employer and is not an insurance product. Allstate Benefits is a marketing name for: Integon National Insurance Company in CT, NY and VT; Integon Indemnity Corporation in FL; and National Health Insurance Company in CO, WA and all other states where offered. For employers in the Allstate Benefits Self-Funded Program, stop-loss insurance is underwritten by these insurance companies in the noted states. National Health Insurance Company, Integon National Insurance Company, and Integon Indemnity Corporation are rated "A+" (Superior) by A.M. Best.

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