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3 Things You Can Do to Raise Breast Cancer Awareness

One out of every eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime according to the American Cancer Society (ACS). While we have made incredible strides in treatments and community support, raising awareness about disease prevention has never been more important.

Employers that offer cancer insurance to their employees are taking an important step, but there are other things they can do to help spread awareness.

Women wearing pink clothing.

1. Promote early detection through screenings.

Though breast cancer affects many women, survival rates have risen every year since 1989 thanks to advancements in treatment and early detection.1

The ACS urges women to get screened regularly, especially because breast cancer typically has no symptoms when the tumor is small and easiest to treat. The most common screening method is mammography, which is a low-dose X-ray image of breast tissue. Results from mammography programs in Europe and Canada indicated that the risk of breast cancer death was reduced by more than 40% among women who got screened.2

According to the ACS, guidelines for mammograms depend on age. Annual screenings for women at average risk are encouraged beginning at age 40.3 Monthly breast self-exams are also recommended, even for women who undergo regular mammograms. Other screening methods like MRIs and breast ultrasounds are typically reserved for women who have an increased risk of breast cancer.

Although breast cancer is rare in men (fewer than 1% of cases), they are far more likely than women to be diagnosed with advanced-stage breast cancer.4 This is likely due to decreased awareness, so spreading the word about early detection needs to include everyone!

Employers can draw attention to the importance of early detection by providing information on getting screened (click here to learn more).

2. Encourage employees to wear pink!

While National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is observed each October, every day of the year is the best time to help raise awareness about the disease.

Pink is the official color of Breast Cancer Awareness and wearing pink is a simple way to show continued support and solidarity for those living with breast cancer. Fundraisers and special events serve as great places to don pink—whether a small ribbon or head to toe!

Employers can help by distributing pink ribbons for employees to wear or encouraging them to wear pink on a designated day, such as National Mammography Day (the third Friday in October).

3. Share cancer resources with employees.

As a cancer insurance carrier, Allstate Benefits helps to provide financial peace of mind to employees, but we don't stop there. We also work with the ACS to help customers make informed treatment decisions and get the support they need by providing online resources and a designated toll-free cancer hotline.

Learn more by visiting our ACS Partner page.

About Cancer Insurance
Cancer Insurance from Allstate Benefits provides protection for the treatment of breast cancer and other types of cancer, as well as 29 specified diseases. Coverage pays a cash benefit to help pay out-of-pocket costs associated with treatment, including doctor visits, diagnosis, surgery, prosthesis, radiation/chemotherapy treatments, wigs and other expenses. Unlike medical insurance, this coverage also pays benefits that can be used for everyday living expenses.

We also offer a wellness benefit that pays an annual benefit for many cancer screenings, like mammograms and breast ultrasounds. Each covered person is eligible for a wellness benefit once each year. Paying employees to stay on top of their health is a great way for employers to spread awareness and inspire their workforce to stay healthy.

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